Troubleshooting – Frequently Asked Questions
Below you will find a list of the most commonly asked troubleshooting questons about the SoloAdvance solution and how to fix things if they go wrong.
1 - The transaction report is missing some fields
During the set up of the database and user permissions it maybe that certain fields (usually data6 to data8) have not been set up for you.
The way to change this is to go to the options menu at the top right of the screen and then you need to select the ‘Setting’ option (you will need to have pop-ups enabled on your browser first). In the pop-up window you will see a list of all of the fields that are available to your level of access to the system.
There will be a check box next to these items and you can then check (or un-check) the fields that you want to appear on the transaction report. If the fields are greyed out (or are not there), then you do not have authorisation for these fields – see the system manger to see if they can be re-instated for you.
Once you have done this, then press the save button at the bottom of the pop-up (or close to leave without changing anything). The pop-up will close and the transaction report will refresh to reflect the changes you have made.
These changes will them be saved against your user login.
2 - The Define Option (locations, employees, phones, web users etc) are mising some fields
During the set up of the database and user permissions it maybe that certain fields have not been set up for you.
The way to change this is to go to the options menu at the top of the screen (similar to FAQ 1 above) and then you need to select the ‘Setting’ option (you will need to have pop-ups enabled on your browser first). In the pop-up window you will see a list of all fields that are available to your level of access to the system
There will be a check box next to these items and you can then check (or un-check) the fields that you want to appear on the Define screen. If the fields are greyed out (or are not there), then you do not have authorisation for these fields – see the system manger to see if they can be re-instated for you.
Once you have done this, then press the save button at the bottom of the pop-up (or close to leave without changing anything). The pop-up will close, and the Define option will refresh to reflect the changes you have made.
These changes will them be saved against your user login.
3 - How to Refine Searches
On most screens on the database there is a search panel where you can enter data to refine the search.
The first thing to note is that any field with an arrow (e.g. Location Group) allows you to select an individual field or all. The date fields you can type in a date or press the calendar icon and select a specific date and time.
For all other fields you can type your required text and the system will select (in this case transactions) where there is an exact match in that field for the text that you have entered.
There are, however, wildcards that you can use that allow you to refine the search. As an example looking at Data2 field if you use wildcards the following actions will occur: –
*log |
This will search for all transactions where Data2 ends with log |
log* |
This will search for all transactions where Data2 starts with log |
*log* |
This will search for all transactions where Data2 contains log |
!log* |
This will exclude all transactions where Data2 starts with log |
!*log* |
This will exclude all transactions where Data2 contains log |
Remember that you can use the rows/page fields to expand the number of rows shown on the search.
4 - What is a 'Context'?
A context is a small piece of code that is written to an NFC RFID tag when it is being activated that determines what App information is shown to the phone user when he taps that location. This is a unique feature of the Reslink solution.
So, for example you could have a context that represents patrol tags where all you need to record is that someone has been there. Another context could be represent a building that needs to be inspected and various test results recorded.
You can see how contexts work by looking at chapter 14 (of the System Managers Guide) – Application Management
5 - Why is the alarm email attachment blank?
Occasionally an alarm report (e.g. an incident report) sends a blank attached report to the recipient e-mail address, even though the application has created data and can be viewed on the transaction report.
The most common cause of this is that the Alarm User Profile has been removed (usually because a staff member designated as a manager has left the company and their web profile has been removed).
To correct the problem start tying the name of a valid web user in the Alarm User Profile in the Email tab above and select the right one for this client. Press the save button at the bottom of the screen to save your changes.
6 – Can an existing tag be re-used as another location?
There is often a case where a tag at a patrol point is no longer used and is required to be re-positioned at a new location. Can this be done?
The simple answer is yes. You can simply amend the location name in the database and all new transactions will have the new location name – BUT all historical transactions will also have this new name as well.
A better way to achieve this is to: –
- Use the mobile phone app to de-activate the original tag (from the hidden options tag).
- Create a new location on the back-end database for the new tag and set the old tag to ‘not in use’
- Activate the new location using the mobile phone application in the normal manner.
In this way all new transactions will have the new name and id and all historical data is preserved.
7 – Why is the trust icon set to an Exclamation Mark on the transaction report?
The most common reason for this is that there is a delay between when a transaction has been captured (i.e. the tag has been touched) and when the transaction has been received by our servers. This is usually due to poor signal reception in the area of the tag which could be a blip in the service or a bad area for reception. You will not lose any transaction data (unless the phone is totally reset) and it will catch up once in signal area..
A less common occurance for trust problem is that there can be a transaction with no location recorded against it. This is when a tag has not been activated correctly (or has been de-activated). You will need to refer this to your system manager for rectification.
8 - A running app keeps stopping by itself
The situation whereby an app repeatedly closes (usually after a period of time) normally relates to how the app is handled by the mobile phone settings. You need to check that the app has the right permissions and that the power saving options are set correctly for the installation (i.e. do not set it to automatically handle power settings – the settings can determine that the app is power hungry and automatically close it).
You will need to refer to your mobile phone manual / user guide as all phones have different settings.