Domiciliary Homecare

When configured for the Domiciliary Homecare Market, SoloAdvance gives you guaranteed proof that your carer has arrived at your service users home.


SoloAdvance to ensure your Homecare Workers are safe.The care worker simply touches a pre-placed Location Tag (usually inside the service users home or even within their Care Pack) with their mobile phone and our web database is instantly updated.

Forget manual forms, automated telephone check-ins or having to use special PDA devices! This “touch & go” functionality may be all you need to prove the carer was somewhere at a certain time.

However, SoloAdvance can also display menu options on the phone to enable the carer to record and send additional data to your operational systems. This could include information such as failure to gain entry, or the type of work the carer did, any incidents they wish to note about the client, and even the client’s current general well-being.

All phone options are totally configurable to whatever your data capture requirements are. You can also configure the system to give tags “contexts” so that, for example, when the carer visits an “older person” tag, they are given a different set of phone options to when they visit a “newborn child” or an “at-risk” young person.

During a Carer’s visits to the service user, they can use their mobile phone to interrogate your back end systems. This could be to request more detailed information about the service user or to find out what tasks they have to perform whilst visiting.

To help in your duty of care to both your staff and your clients, we can also provide an Appointment Monitoring Service. This will alert senior managers when carers are late for appointments in plenty of time to arrange further cover and to contact the carer to find out if they are OK.

Combined with our Lone Worker Protection (LWP) facility, this can provide a level of service to your staff and service users alike, that is second to none.


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For more information about Solo or Mobile-e-Solutions call 0845 643 4898 or email:


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