Mobile-e-Solutions has been providing compliance reporting for our clients for many years now. The following case study shows how a recent implementation of this has helped one of our clients meet their SLA’s and improve the service that they provide to their customer.
Our client provides Facilities Management services (including security services) to a large manufacturer/distributor in the Midlands. Due to the terms of the contract, the client has to provide defined security patrols at set time-slots in the early morning and late evening. Failure to visit all locations in these patrols would signify a failure to meet their service levels.
It is an important requirement, therefore, that we report on any locations NOT visited during the set patrols.
SoloAdvance allows the security guards to record each patrol transaction – when each location was visited and what actions (if any) were done as the result of the patrol. The issue was to be able to prove to the client that their security officers were actually doing the work and not missing any points. All in a simple one page report that highlights missed patrols.
Mobile-e-Solutions worked closely with the client to implement tag monitoring that highlighed tags not visited.Email alerts are automatically sent out to senior management when timed tags are missed!
These arerts are then summarised into daily compliance reports for their site. Simply put the reports show for each set patrol the locations that have to be visited and when, and how many that are actually visited and how many were missed. This has enabled the client to implement mangement strategies to ensure that the security patrols are completed on time and in full.
The upshot of this implementation is that from a situation where several patrol points were being missed to now where all are visited. All of the SLA’s are now being met and all of the ‘red’ lines have now turned green.
This provides proof that our client is meeting their contractual obligations to their customer and both parties are very happy!
If you are interested to learn more about how Compliance Reporting and Solo Advance could help your business perform more efficiently and meet your SLA’s, please contact Mike on 0845 643 4898 or email