Technology provider, Mobile-e-Solutions has consolidated its business growth by moving into new premises – Earnshaw Business Centre in Leyland and securing them as a client at the same time!

Mike Lister, founder of Mobile-e-Solutions said: “The move into more established, bigger premises was a natural progression for us – the fact that they were so impressed with the products we can supply was a great bonus!

Since the business conception in January 2008, Mobile-e-Solutions has seen significant growth and demand for its unique ‘proof of’ technology solutions and the move into the business centre elevates their business proposition and ability to compete and roll out larger projects.  The increased awareness of what the technology can actually do and how it can be adapted and tailored to individual businesses has been an eye-opener for many SME’s in the area.

Mandy Cardwell, Managing Director of In The Zone which is also part of Earnshaw Business Centre is one such business owner who knew she needed more effective, manageable internal processes but wasn’t aware of how this technology could help.  She said: “I met Mike when he moved into our business centre and it immediately became apparent that he could solve my problems and make the service we offer our clients even more efficient.

Mandy and her team currently use the Mobile-e-Solutions mobile phone and various sticker ‘tags’ to log all their bookkeeping work for various clients both onsite in the office and off-site which instantly makes them more accountable.  By simply activating the client’s tag, they are able to log efficiently the time spent on every client and provide an exact log for more precise invoicing. It also provides a written log that is available if required providing that added value and ‘trust’ between client and supplier.

For more information on Mobile-e-Solutions and how its mobile phone and ‘proof of’ technology can work for you and your business, please call Mike Lister on 0845 643 4898.



For further information or interviews, please contact:

 Kara Rose from Kara Rose PR.

Tel: 07985 166480 or e-mail

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