Mobile-e-Solutions Ltd have developed a comprehensive Ticketing toolbox to allow users to simply manage the generation of tasks and their subsequent assignment and completion.
Maintenance tasks/tickets are recorded on SoloAdvance against specific locations by cleaners or other operatives via their mobiles. If a member of the public phones in a report to the Head Office then these are recorded directly onto the back-office database.All new jobs are then automatically sent as messages to the assigned maintenance engineer’s mobile phone. Within moments of a new job being raised the engineer is aware of it and can prepare for the visit.
When the engineer arrives on site he uses his mobile to get a list of all outstanding jobs for this location. He selects which one he is fixing and enters details of the repair and whether complete or not. He can then move on to the next job safe in the knowledge that the system has been automatically updated.
The maintenance engineer worker needs to carry only one device, a mobile phone, in order to confirm where he is, for how long, and the tasks performed while he was there. Additional expensive and difficult to use mobile devices such as a PDA are not required, and time-consuming and error-prone manual form-filling is greatly reduced.
The maintenance company thus collects in-field data quickly and more accurately, helping them provide a better service to their clients and giving them immediate visibility of field service visits and data logged by workers. Web based KPI reports and enquiries allow both managers and clients to access real-time information that can also be automatically transferred to other operational systems.
Mobile-e-Solutions has been providing compliance reporting for our clients for many years now. The following case study shows how a recent implementation of this has helped one of our clients meet their SLA’s and improve the service that they provide to their customer.
Our client provides Facilities Management services (including security services) to a large manufacturer/distributor in the Midlands. Due to the terms of the contract, the client has to provide defined security patrols at set time-slots in the early morning and late evening. Failure to visit all locations in these patrols would signify a failure to meet their service levels.
It is an important requirement, therefore, that we report on any locations NOT visited during the set patrols.
SoloAdvance allows the security guards to record each patrol transaction – when each location was visited and what actions (if any) were done as the result of the patrol. The issue was to be able to prove to the client that their security officers were actually doing the work and not missing any points. All in a simple one page report that highlights missed patrols. (more…)
If you are active in the guarding industry the answer is most likely yes. Regardless if you use check point sticks or you’ve embraced mobile technology, you still have to start and finish your rounds.
Your guards have to perform, among other things, several rounds a day and this can and should be an automated process with real-time performance monitoring. This helps you become more efficient and able to respond to your client’s needs.
More and more companies are now looking to get real-time data from the field – in most cases you would want to know what is happening with your employees.
Are they OK? Have they started their rounds? Are there any incidents to report? Are they late?
All these questions can be easily answered with our workforce solution that uses mobile technology to provide real-time data reporting. This gives you choice and flexibility when it comes to your mobile workforce operations.
Do you face the challenges of managing your mobile cleaner teams and all the processes and paperwork needed to keep track of everything and does this drive you mad?
Well, we have the perfect combination of experience and technology to help you streamline it all, whether you are looking for simple proof of attendance or need a complete system for facilities management.
Delighted to introduce you to Mobile-e-Solutions Ltd to you.
It has been a great experience working with AM Support Services to help them implement their latest successes in the North East of England. Six prestigious shopping centres went live during April in East Yorkshire and Northumberland and our SoloAdvance product was an integral part of the installation.
AM Support Services provide a facilities management solution for their clients that involves security patrols, cleaning services and washroom services. The standard deployment of SoloAdvance allows AM Support Services staff to record shift patterns, patrols and incidents as well as providing both passive and panic lone worker protection. (more…)
For smaller businesses (and budgets) we provide a land line telephone based proof of attendance solution.
Working with our technology partners HT Projects, we can now offer a simple, low cost, proof of attendance system that utilises your client’s existing land-line based phones and free phone numbers to give proof of when staff visit a customer site – all at NO COST to your client.
Simply put, your staff member arrives at a client’s site and uses a (previously registered) client phone to dial one of our free phone numbers, enters their unique PIN number and this registers their arrival. In a similar manner the staff member can dial the same number to register their departure from the client. Because we use free phone numbers there is no cost to your clients. (more…)
The planning and allocation of staff for events can be a time consuming and frustrating experience. Lots of spreadsheets matching staff skill sets to the requirments of the event, the exchange of emails, SMS texts and phone calls to use staff all lead to a stressful operation.
Working in conjunction wth HT Projects we now have a solution, SoloEvent that takes away the headache from event planning.
This solution works with your staff’s existing mobile phones, so no need for specialised phones!
Mobile-e-Solutions is proud to announce the launch of our new Jobs Maintenance system.
We have teamed up with HT Projects Ltd (a Chorley based software development company) to provide a complete Jobs Maintenance system that can be used at the heart of SoloAdvance.
Maintenance jobs are recorded on SoloAdvance against specific locations either on-site by operatives via their mobile phone or by supervisors using the back end database. These new jobs are then automatically sent, via the Job Maintenance module, as direct messages (not SMS) to the maintenance engineer’s mobile phone.
Within moments of a repair job being raised the engineer responsible for that site is aware of the new job and can prepare for the visit. Information is passed back to the main system whenever the engineer reads the new job messages so you have visibility of job acceptance.
You all know how RFID tags (when permanently fixed to walls, posts and other strategic patrol points) can provide you with guaranteed proof of attendance of staff when used with SoloAttend. How do you manage, however, if you cannot use or it is impractical to fix RFID tags on a patrol route? It could be a temporary patrol for a limited period or a site owner may not want tags attached – there are any number of reasons why. GPS Locations are the answer.
With SoloAdvance you can simply turn on GPS tracking on the application and the phone will send GPS locating transactions at regular intervals during a patrol. In this way you will track a guard on patrol (offoerin LWP as Well) but you will not be able to record much information whilst on route.
SoloAdvance is capable of so much more however. You can use “GPS Locations”. You can set up set points on your route as GPS Locations and allocate a GPS position to each point (this is a simple matter to do using Google maps or other such tools).
We provide a business solution that helps our clients to fulfil their duty of care to their staff.
Whether you work in the security guarding, domiciliary homecare, contract cleaning sectors or you have a field service company you will all have one thing in common – you have staff that work away from the office and often work alone.
You have a duty of care to these staff to ensure that they are safe and secure and you have a duty of care to your company to ensure that your staff members are supplying your services to your clients in a timely, agreed and efficient manner.
That’s what we do!