Use GPS Locations when RFID is inappropriate

You can use GPS locations if RFID tags are not right - Mobile-e-SolutionsYou all know how RFID tags (when permanently fixed to walls, posts and other strategic patrol points) can provide you with guaranteed proof of attendance of staff when used with SoloAttend. How do you manage, however, if  you cannot use or it is impractical to fix RFID tags on a patrol route? It could be a temporary patrol for a limited period or a site owner may not want tags attached – there are any number of reasons why. GPS Locations are the answer.

With SoloAdvance you can simply turn on GPS tracking on the application and the phone will send GPS locating transactions at regular intervals during a patrol. In this way you will track a guard on patrol (offoerin LWP as Well) but you will not be able to record much information whilst on route.

SoloAdvance is capable of so much more however. You can use “GPS Locations”. You can set up set points on your route as GPS Locations and allocate a GPS position to each point (this is a simple matter to do using Google maps or other such tools).


Duty of Care

SoloAdvance - Proof of attendance and lone worker protection helping with your duty of careWe provide a business solution that helps our clients to fulfil their duty of care to their staff.

Whether you work in the security guarding, domiciliary homecare, contract cleaning sectors or you have a field service company you will all have one thing in common – you have staff that work away from the office and often work alone.

You have a duty of care to these staff to ensure that they are safe and secure and you have a duty of care to your company to ensure that your staff members are supplying your services to your clients in a timely, agreed and efficient manner.

That’s what we do!


Good Practice at AM Support Services

AM Support Services choose SoloAdvanceDuring their current round of SIA Auditing (which they passed with flying colours) AM Support Services were praised by the SIA for a number of good practices.

One area of praise that was identified during their audit revolved around the use of SoloAdvance within their business operation: –

The Company use an easy-to-use mobile phone proof-of-attendance solution that can be configured to suit the requirements of both the security guards, the Company itself and its customers. (This is provided by Mobile-e-Solutions Ltd).

By touching pre-positioned RFID tags with their mobile phone, proof of a guards’ attendance at a particular location, and at a particular time, is instantly recorded.

After registering the location, the system can also present the guard with a list of context sensitive options on his/her phone – options that may be related to the type of location or perhaps the specific customer.

For example the officer can select to report an incident or record the status of their visit and if appropriate take a picture of the incident. (more…)